Immersive art installation “VIBRATION”
@ the annual exhibition “IBICENCO” curated by Diego and Alexeja @ad.ibiza in Sa Rota Vella, San Mateo, Ibiza.
Ancient human cultures held the understanding of ocean life in connection to ourselves. This installation represents the sound language and vibration through the living metabolism: water.
Our Life began within the waters of Grandmother.
We shall remember where we are coming from and preserve our land sand waters.
Immersive art installation, July 2022 Ibiza by Aurélia Marine
@ Choral Exhibition in Ibiza from 14th to 25th July 2022.
Curators: MONDO GALERIA, Madrid | Alexeya & Diego Alfonso
Conception and Visuals by Aurélia Marine
Sound / Voice elements by Marv Radio, Ibiza.
This installation is an artistic representation of vibrations; such as the vibration of sound, light and movement
within a living metabolism: Water.
Metaphysically, water holds vibrations completely and for sustained time frames. The element of water represents the recurring pattern of our complex feelings. Many of these components in our life can 'flood' us; too little can 'dry' us up. In our lives as well on the scale of the planet. Keeping up a feeling of balance is significant. This artwork represents the significance of vibration and consiousness of water. Water carries memory and energy/intention and it is the essence of our existence. This piece shall remind us to stay fluid within the movement of life.
Unique piece. 150 x 100 cm. Printed and mounted on chromaluxe matt.
Edition 1 of 1 with authenticity certificate and hologram.
The collector’s coffee table book of the exhibition
In July 2022 MONDO GALERIA @mondogaleria presented the annual exhibition “IBICENCO” curated by Diego and Alexeja @ad.ibiza in Sa Rota Vella, San Mateo, Ibiza.
The exhibition was the VII edition focused in this occasion on the subject “Existence” that was represented through the art and performance of Javier Silva Meinel, José del Río Mons, Margherita Chiarva, Beny Steiner, Olivia Steele, Christof Vetsch, Aurelia Marine, Mats Bäcker, Deisho Shito, Aguascopio, Adrián Ribas, Carlito Dalceggio, Dominique Sanson, Burkhard Von Harder, Romy Querol, Bharam Ji, Sahar Talismana, Erika Tanagri, Vanina with Francisco and Mamma Afrika band.
Today this exhibition is in the memory of more than nine hundred people who visited during the 15 days that it stayed open nearly 24hs a day. Loads of encounters, live music, gastronomy and above all fun.
This book is an account of some of those moments, the ones that could be recorded by a camera. Hard bounded, 200 pages on recycled paper with colourful imagery and the written text that gave shape to this show written by Diego Alonso.