On June 14th 2017, a ferocious fire ripped through a 24-storey residential block in the richest borough of London. Authorities state the blaze killed at least 80 people.

The building, called Grenfell Tower, contained 129 apartments and officially was home for approximately 550 people of low income groups. However no one knows exactly how many people lived in the block. It could have been as many as 800.

Grenfell Tower burned for about 60 hours until finally extinguished. More facts on Wikipedia:

Victims and their communities believe around 300 people died in the inferno within the very trendy Notting Hill neighbourhood in London.

Around the tower, people ll around London and England gathered, putting their forces together to make sure that Grenfell is not going to be forgotten, to heal the traumatised people, to heal the space, to fight for justice and truth. Missing people appear on all the walls within the neighbourhood. Candles burn in darkened corners. Flowers are replaced daily. The space around the tower becomes a graveyard and a space of healing, love and support at the same time. Flyposters appear on lampposts and walls calling for resignations, and justice to be done.