ANOTHER HUMAN Docu-Fiction 2025.


The filmmaker stumbles upon Standford University’s article that states that humanity's only chance of survival until 2100 is to transform the current human conditions into a thriving society. With her son’s future in mind, she is called to go on that personal and collective quest into the unknown for the chance of a better future, but within the challenging search of possibilities and evidence, she realises that our anchored patterns and forgotten human values are holding us back to move forward and that a real change can not to be found within the outer world...


We stand at a pivotal juncture of humanity. The human race, is in danger of extinction.

But not threatened by others, the human race is working towards its own demise through the vision it has created for itself. While the world suffers from climate change, war, natural disasters, constant conflicts and destruction, the filmmaker stumbles upon Standford University’s article that states that humanity's only chance of survival until 2100 is to transform the current human conditions into a thriving society. A statement that calls the filmmaker to take action.

With her son's future in mind, she goes on this personal and collective quest to explore possibilities of co-existence and evidence for a chance towards a better future. On her journey she finds many different ideas and new concepts and the promise of “a new world” which she examines within the spiritual and conscious new age movement that is currently expanding itself in a broad way throughout the world. But not everything seems to emerge from a place of authentic change. She realises that our anchored patterns are holding us back from moving forward and that a change can not be found within the outer world.

While still beliving in her vision, she pushes the boundaries of human conditions and the facets of modern man and woman. The way to the heart of it ultimately brings her back to her own and raises the crucial questions: What does it mean to be human and a mother in these times of crisis?

By re-connecting with her inner voice and body and by re-evaluating her values, she understands to recall her feminine force and finds evidence that Women and the feminine skills are more than ever the force which can “re-balance” the world. A concept which

considers the social inclusion of all people.

Her journey becomes simultanoulsy a journey of self-healing and empowerment which makes her understand that a change can only emerge from within and that the future is

created by each one of us in the here and now.

The film treatment can be requested here by clicking the picture below.